Vision & Mission

In the current millennium climate change has become one of the greatest threats for humanity. The Earth’s average temperature has increased by more than 1oC from the pre industrial era and is increasing further. Changing environment and ecology due to climate change are impacting food security, water supply, agriculture, energy, transportation, Infrastructure, human health, and sustainable growth. According to studies almost 1800 intense weather events have occurred across the globe in 2018. The safe limit is set to be 1.5oC by 2050.

The Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI) has been founded with a vision to promote understanding of climate change, mentoring and developing human resource capabilities for finding solutions. The ultimate goal of climate change adaptation and mitigation is to reduce accumulation of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the atmosphere and reduce carbon footprints, while addressing.

  • How to achieve energy security when climate change is looming large?
  • How to ensure safe water availability for the future generations?
  • How to address climate change impacts on human health?
  • How investment decisions should be made in clean energy technologies?
  • To what extent renewable energy can fulfill the energy needs of modern society?
  • How carbon capture, storage and utilization can help in Net Zero scenario?
Forthcoming Events
Activity Highlights
Climate Acton and Hydrogen Economy
Climate Resilient, Gree and Low Carbon Built Environment
Solar Energy; Made Simple for a Sustainable Future
'Climate Change and Green Chemistry of CO2 Sequestration'