A national conference on ‘ Climate Change and Renewable Energy Integration towards Net Zero’ was jointly organized by ABV-IIITM, Gwalior and Climate Change Research Institute (CCRI), New Delhi at ABV-IIITM, Gwalior on 16th to 17th March, 2024. The conference was convened by Prof Rajendra Sahu, IIITM Gwalior (Brochure). Welcome address was given by Prof Manoj Patwardhan, IIITM Gwalior. Prof. S. N. Singh, Director ABV-IIITM, Gwalior and Patron for the conference delivered the Inaugural address. Chief Guest for the two days’ conference was Prof D. P. Agrawal, Chairman of the Governing Council of CCRI and founding Director of IIITM. Dr Manoj Kumar Dash was the co-convener. The conference proceedings with Abstracts book of papers, ed. Dr. Arun Kumar is brought out.    

Dr (Mrs) Malti Goel, Chief Executive, CCRI delivered the Plenary on ‘Climate Change and RE Pathways towards Net Zero. She described climate change scenario from paleoclimates, to present and future; what net zero means; why we need net-zero and India’s initiatives in RE development (presentation). Dr V.S. Verma, former Chairman CERC, Delhi and Dr. Md. Rehan, AMU , Aligarh also delivered plenary lectures.  Given that India has committed to achieve net-zero targets by 2070, the conference was relevant to identify the issues and pathways for integration of Renewable Energy (RE) for sustainable development. CCRI publication Climate SAR Bulletin Vol VIII, no, 2023 with the theme on ‘Climate Change and Net-zero’ was released on the occasion. Many thought provoking lectures and research papers were presented on sustainable manufacturing, precision agriculture and integration of various concepts with AI. Three best paper awards were given. The conference facilitated enhanced interaction between stake holders from the subject experts and information technology.